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Showing 1 - 4 of 9 results


Course Name Location Date Duration
A Theory of Justice London April 27, 2016 3M 2H
Business Law London March 23, 2016 3M 2H
Business Law Watford March 31, 2016 3 Month
Economic Analysis Watford April 28, 2016 2M
How Judges Think London April 28, 2016 1M
Law and Economics Watford April 28, 2016 2M
Real Estate Law London March 23, 2016 3M 2H
Sports (Copy) (Copy)   January 1, 1970  
The Secrets of Economic London March 21, 2016 3M 2H

Graphic Design

Course Name Location Date Duration
Content Strategy London March 23, 2016 2M 3H
CSS3 for Web Designers Watford March 23, 2016 1M 3H
DOM Scripting Dartford March 23, 2016 20 DAY
Interaction Design Oxford April 28, 2016 2M
Responsive Web Design London March 23, 2016 2M 3H
UX Design Oxford April 28, 2016 2M

Law Economic

Course Name Location Date Duration
A Theory of Justice London April 27, 2016 3M 2H
Business Law London March 23, 2016 3M 2H
Economic Analysis Watford April 28, 2016 2M
How Judges Think London April 28, 2016 1M
Law and Economics Watford April 28, 2016 2M
Real Estate Law London March 23, 2016 3M 2H
The Secrets of Economic London March 21, 2016 3M 2H

Mobile Apps Develop

Course Name Location Date Duration
Android Programming Watford March 23, 2016 1M
Content Strategy London March 23, 2016 2M 3H
CSS3 for Web Designers Watford March 23, 2016 1M 3H
IOS9 Programming Watford March 23, 2016 1M
Responsive Web Design London March 23, 2016 2M 3H
UX Design Oxford April 28, 2016 2M
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